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How Can You Heal From Absence?

Updated: Nov 5, 2023

In this terrifying world, all we have is the connections that we make.

I have learned so much about myself and the trauma I have experienced. I’ve learned to identify and finally name what’s troubling me. While this provides great relief, the weight on my chest persists.

How do I heal?

How does one overcome a tormented and traumatic childhood that no longer exists? Only its painful legacy remains in my heart and soul, a wound I don’t know how to mend. How do you move on from something that is no more? The loss of a loved one, where only their shining smile lingers in memories that fade with time? How do you heal from absence?

The first step is building relationships with people. If you or someone you know is suffering from any kind of trauma, you may have noticed that it’s difficult to talk about it for more than a few seconds. These are cathartic and liberating moments, shared with someone you trust. Alternatively, they can be moments of terror, hatred, or deep pain that bring vivid memories to the surface beneath your eyelids.

However small, precious, and rare these moments may be, they are the most effective in promoting healing. Sharing one’s pain is an important key to opening one’s heart to dialogue.

Talking about it can be complicated and uncomfortable. But it’s not just discussing trauma that will benefit you. It’s also those moments of carefreeness, serenity, and happiness that you share with someone every day. A spontaneous smile given to someone on the street. An unexpected compliment that makes you blush. Eating your favorite meal for dinner. A walk in nature. The sun on your skin.

All these moments are good for the soul. Your inner child will thank you, and you’ll feel it, embrace it, and offer them a "you’re welcome."


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