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Most beautiful, heartbreaking album of 2023.

To close the year beautifully, Sufjan Stevens gifted us with the best album of 2023 (in my opinion) last October.

Sufjan became widely known for his songs "Mystery of Love" and "Visions of Gideon," both serving as the musical backdrop in the renowned film "Call Me By Your Name" by Luca Guadagnino, 2017.

His music captivates with its subtle and delicate voice, evocative and dreamy notes, mandolins, and pianos.

Sufjan’s new album,Javelin, is entirely dedicated to a heartbreaking episode in the author’s life. His boyfriend and best friend, Evans, passed away last April.

After six months of silence, Sufjan releases the new album.

“He was one of those rare and beautiful ones you find only once in a lifetime - precious, impeccable, and absolutely exceptional in every way,” writes the author about his love.

One might expect such a painful loss to result in sad, melancholic songs. Not so.

The album Javelin is a beautiful, dreamlike, otherworldly prayer. A prayer to a God, oscillating between Jesus and his dear Evans.

“Jesus lift me up to a higher plane / Can you come around before I go insane?” - Everything That Rises“Goodbye Evergreen, you know I love you / But everything heaven sent / Must burn out in the end, I promised you” - Goodbye Evergreen

Invocations are constant in every song of the album, to nature, to God, to the universe. Javelin, an album of small prayers, a mass with a choir, a remission of sins in music.

Contrary to what one might think, Javelin doesn’t aim to be an album where beautiful moments are remembered, where homage is paid to a lost love. It moves to the next step. Evans is in paradise. He has melted, he has become one with God.

Sufjan then turns to him, praying to be gently freed from the pain.

“Now let me off easy / And I’ll slip down through the drain / To release my scattered brain / My enemy”

Please find a moment of tranquility and listen to this album. Or, if you prefer, just listen to the first track, Goodbye Evergreen here:

Condolences, Sufjan. Evans surely heard your words.


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