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Who am I?

Hello, reader. My name is Desiré (daisy is my nickname!), I’m a freelance nonprofit writer, copywriter and blogger.

Writing has been my passion for as long as I can remember. Ever since I was a kid, I found my ikigai in writing.

Ikigai is an ancient Japanese philosophy, claiming that within each of us lives a spark, a Passion, which represents the purpose of our life. Our ikigai is that activity that makes us lose track of time, and brings us happiness and satisfaction in the most profound way.

For the past three years, I’ve been fully immersed in the world of writing — I’ve had the privilege to work as a creative content writer & account manager for a successful start-up in Amsterdam.

My main responsibilities were, besides copy writing, also implementing strategies for the continuous growth of audience, producing high-quality various types of content, including blog posts, articles, landing pages, and more. Each piece of content was carefully crafted by me to resonate with our target audience, and always aligning with the latest trends & news and our brand’s message.

In essence, my role was not limited to copywriting alone; it encompassed a strategic approach to content crafting, audience understanding, and continuous improvement to drive growth and engagement. This multifaceted approach allowed us to achieve remarkable results and connect more deeply with our audience, creating a real, friendly community.

But for me, writing is not just a job; it’s a calling. Beyond my professional endeavors, I pour my heart and soul into writing.

During my free time, I like to write about life, about struggles I am dealing with, about the intricate psychology of people. When I feel something, whether it’s anger, passion, happiness, sadness - this is where I go. This is my outlet, this is my life, this is my purpose and my Joy.

One of the most fulfilling aspects of my writing journey has been the opportunity to make a difference. Through my writing, I’ve had the privilege to help those in need. The satisfaction I experience when people resonate with my writing is truly priceless.

From nurturing a childhood passion to gaining incredible professional expertise and finding personal fulfillment: this is my fortune in life.

I’m committed to continuing this journey, and using my writing talent to create a positive impact in the world.

Thank you for joining me on this brief glimpse into my world as a writer.



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